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Starting on a weight loss journey is exciting, but it’s important to remember that taking care of yourself along the way. While shedding those extra pounds, it’s essential to address various aspects of your health and well-being, including your skin, immune system, hydration, lymphatic system, and detoxification. Below are self-care strategies that encompass all these […]

Aging can affect every aspect of our body…skin, hair, weight, even our brain. While we can not stop the passing of time, we can slow down the damaging affects to our body. Below are 5 services we offer at NüPush Weight Loss Clinic to help you look and feel your best regardless of your age! […]

Ahhh, spring! Longer days, more sunshine and flowers in bloom. It’s so nice spending time outdoors on these beautiful days before the summer heat hits. But, along with spring comes the change to Daylight Savings Time this Sunday and for some of us it’s a hard sleep adjustment. But by implementing these few tips you’ll […]

Dark chocolate is the chocolate of choice when you want to say “I love you” in a healthy way. Chocolate comes from Cacao, a bean full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Many studies link the properties of the cacao bean to health benefits for your heart and overall body functioning. In moderation, dark chocolate is […]

It’s the 3rd week of January and we are all back into the swing of all things normal life. But after the holidays with the good food, cocktails and yummy desserts you may be feeling a bit sluggish with some added brain fog. A good week focused on detoxing may be what you need. The […]

Smoothies are a great way to boost your daily nutritional intake. This one supports your bodies natural detoxification system and is delicious! Liquid Base Coconut Water: 1-2 cups coconut water is my go-to liquid for smoothies. Low in calories and carbohydrates, and almost completely fat free, coconut water pairs well with most fruits and veggies. It’s […]

Eating for weight loss

From the


Semaglutide for weight loss

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