Spring break and summer vacations are in full force! We all look so forward to our well planned vacations & getaways, so it’s important to make sure you stay healthy so you can enjoy your trip and return ready to get back to your life. Unfortunately, many of us end up run down and catching a bug while traveling. Here are pro tips on staying healthy while you travel and when you return.
Take Vitamin Supplements… before, during & after your trip. It can be quite difficult when you’re on the road to eat all the food you need for your immune system to operate at optimal levels. That’s why some vitamin supplements can help you stay healthy and active. Vitamin D, for example, can be especially complicated to keep at a good level during the winter months. Studies have also shown that people under stress who take Vitamin C supplements are less likely to catch a viral infection. You can also start a regime of probiotics to encourage your body’s natural ability to fight infection and keep your digestive system on alert!
Get Good Sleep. Getting a regular, good night’s sleep is really important in keeping a healthy immune system. Sleep is vital to your overall wellbeing and so it stands to reason that it helps you stay healthy on a trip. A lack of sleep is often the culprit behind things like high-stress levels, headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes, and more. Target getting around 7-8 hours of sleep a night to give your body the chance to go through the full cycle of REM sleep.
Eat a Healthy Diet. You know what they say—you are what you eat. So if you’re gorging yourself on indulgent food and drinks for 3 meals a day, don’t be surprised if you catch a cold. There are a number of immune system-boosting foods like greens, fish, or almonds that should form a regular part of your diet. Before traveling, fill your meals with foods rich in omega 3, zinc, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C.
Stay Hydrated. While you might be good about drinking enough water in your typical day-to-day life, it’s easy to slip up when you’re out of your regular routine. But don’t let that be an excuse. Travelers can boost their immune systems before, during, and after travel by staying hydrated. Proper hydration is critical in order for your body to function properly. Water is found in every cell in the body, which means it’s part of all the tissues, organs, and systems we need to function and feel our best.
Jumpstart Your Immunity with IV Therapy. Take advantage of the immediate benefits of IV Therapy to keep you healthy before you leave and upon returning from your trip. Click here to learn about our Immunity Boosting IV Therapies for Travel.
Call us at 615-553-2202 or walk in today to get a jumpstart on health!
Stay healthy!

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