What is NAD+?
Decades of scientific research has pinpointed Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, or simply NAD+, as the key anti-aging and optimal wellness molecule. NAD+ is found in every cell of the body and is responsible for optimal functioning of the brain, internal organs, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, metabolic function and anti-aging. Our bodies naturally produce NAD+ but as we age our production decreases significantly – scientists have linked this decrease to disease and aging.
High dose intravenous infusions of pure NAD+ bypass the digestive system and are delivered straight to the cells for better absorption.
NAD+ works rapidly to repair cells throughout the body and neurons in the brain. NAD+ influences gene expression relating to DNA repair, cell death, and certain anti-inflammatory processes. IV nutrition therapy is an effective way to increase NAD+ levels.
As we age, our NAD+ levels decline. Scientists have shown that NAD+ significantly decreases as we age, so it’s beneficial to replenish NAD+ levels to allow your body to function at optimal levels. A significant increase in NAD+ levels helps to restore brain functionality.
Do You Suffer From…
- Chronic Fatigue or Pain?
- Symptoms of Aging
- Cognitive Impairment
- Chemical Dependency
- Depression & Anxiety
- Athletic Decline?
If so, NAD+ could be the answer for you.
Heal Your Brain
This revolutionary alternative treatment heals brain-destroying diseases such as alcoholism, addiction, chronic stress, depression and anxiety.
At the end of treatment, patients report a great reduction or complete absence of symptoms. There is an increase in clarity with improved focus, higher energy levels and improvement in mood.
Patients Have Experienced…
- Increased Clarity of Mind
- Better Problem Solving
- Improved Focus & Concentration
- Increased Energy
- Improvement in Mood
- Decreased Anxiety Levels
- Reduced Cravings
If you would like to experience the benefits of NAD+ Therapy, contact our office today!

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